In addition to great pay and great encounters with equally great peers, working here offers many perks:

  • Projects that cater to your interests, abilities, and future goals;
  • Professional skills and college- and work-readiness coaching;
  • Varied educational opportunities;
  • Flexible hours, with remote, work-from-home potential; 
  • In-Office snacks; and
  • Much, much more!
  • Want more details?  Have questions?  Reach out anytime at

We at Teens Lead @ Work (TL@W), a youth training program of the Midstate Council for Occupational Safety and Health (or MCOSH), see it all the time.  We prepare teens to lead other youth—and sometimes adults—in workshops on how to stay healthy, safe, and strong at work.  Then, whether on a farm, in a classroom, or on a road trip to a national conference, our teens lead and grow; advocate and present; train and work hard to ensure their communities are healthy, safe, and strong…adding their unique skills to this shared cause.

  • We are a seven-year-old program;
  • In a thirty-year-strong organization;
  • The product of a 250-year-old movement.
  • And we build ever more on that legacy with every new generation of peer leaders we recruit!

Apply here!
